Your log store needs a level place to stand. This is important because there will be a fair old weight of logs in it and it needs to be flat to be stable.
If your surface is uneven, you can level it off first or use spacers under the feet to get the store sitting level. Don't worry, we can help with this.
You should aim to place your log store where it will get maximum airflow and some warmth. Sunshine would be a benefit, but is not essential since it will only affect the ends of the front row of logs. Avoid damp, dark locations with no wind.
It is the flow of air through your logs which will dry them out most. Along with some warmth in the air, these two factors speed up the seasoning of your logs.
Unfortunately for us, in Scotland, the sun and wind mostly come from the same direction as the rain, i.e. south west. Some compromise is therefore needed. Try to place your log store where it will catch a breeze, but not be facing into driving rain.
Your log store is designed to let the air flow through from any direction, so you can face it away from the prevailing rain direction, letting the breeze pass through the sides or back.
Some occasional rain will inevitably reach your logs, but this is not a big problem. The protection your logs get from the log store means that the overall effect will be to dry them out.
Is there a spot in your garden where the ground dries out quickly after rain? Or where the ground is drier than usuall, perhaps because of protection from mature trees? This is a good spot.
Putting your log store against an outside wall, with a gap of 4-12 inches behind it will work well, particularly if the wall keeps most of the rain off.
It needs to be convenient for you too. Somewhere that you can easily nip out to fill a basket of logs from.
Think of this as your log-larder, and look after your logs. They are going to keep you toasty in the winter, give them some care and they will repay you.
You want a firm surface, which is not going to move or sink. Any paved surface is good. Firm, dry ground is okay as long as there is no movement under the feet of the store and the ground is well drained. "Hard-standing" or whin stone is good.
You do not want the feet of the store to be continually wet. The wood we use is pressure treated and could actually be buried in the ground for years, without rotting. However, will last much longer if it can dry out between rainstorms. You don't want to be storing your wood in a damp, muddy, dark place anyway.
Gravel is ideal because it drains quickly and reduces splashing from the ground back onto your logs in a downpour.